Hey everyone!
My name is Parishay Khan, I am currently a junior majoring in Pre Health, here at Rutgers Newark. My future academic plans involve going to pharmacy school and graduating with a degree in pharmacy. Although my career goals differ from journalism and other forms of creative expression, I have always had an artistic flair within me. Being an undergrad student, I like to take advantage of the opportunity I have to study subjects that strike my interest, even if they do not coincide with my major. The first time media consumption caught my attention was while I was binge watching Netflix documentaries as a senior in high school. I came across a documentary called Miss Representation, baffled by the material, I realized just how much impact media has on society regardless of age, gender or race. Since then, I have found myself critically analyzing forms of media every chance I get. Whether it be the news, magazine covers, or music videos, I tend to focus on the hidden messages being sold to viewers. Among many hobbies, my favorite is traveling. Whether it be traveling to a neighboring state or across the globe to Dubai, I'm at my happiest exploring new places. This link to my tumblr serves as an insight to my evolving interests in music, art, movies, shows, and the latest memes http://onthatfullattack.tumblr.com
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