today’s society, almost everything has become a spectacle. We are no longer
living for the needs for a basic life, but rather on the desire for
an extravagant or flashy life. Guy Debord discusses this in his book The Society of the Spectacle in
stating, “However, where commodity production met the social conditions of
large scale commerce and of the accumulation of capitals, it seized total
domination over the economy. The entire economy then became what the commodity
had shown itself to be in the course of this conquest: a process of
quantitative development.” We as humans, have fully devoted ourselves to
this capitalist society. If you truly think about it, we have
also become the spectacles as well, people look at each other with
envy if they don’t look a certain way or they aren’t wearing the same brands as
them. For example, the look the Kylie Jenner has is something that people are now going to plastic surgeons to have. Why? Because she's young and successful and has set a standard of beauty, and people want that so they go out and attempt to emulate that. The spectacle is also thrift shopping is being sold to a group of people as a "hipster" thing to do, and there are lines of people going buy used clothes because it's a trend that we have accepted and boughten into. While forgetting that other will go into thrift stores out of necessity because they cannot afford clothes from popular stores, because our minds have become so diluted with capitalism and commercialism we don't think about that. The ideology of commercialism and a capitalism being the norm is the
spectacle becoming the norm is what the Debord is trying to explain. That we
will allow this to happen and take over our lives and if you look around it
industries are thriving by portraying the top one percent and how we should emulate
them and become like them. We aren’t being productive members of society by
challenging the norms, we are conforming to society and accepting things as is. A
seven-hundred-dollar phone is far from what we need, but it is being sold to us as something we need. Basic function objects are are now deemed to no longer acceptable but is strange and odd to society. A great example comes
from Henry Jenkins book Convergence
Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide he states, “I didn’t want the
electronic equivalent of a Swiss army knife… I was told company after mobile
company that they don’t make single function phones anymore. Nobody wants them.”
This is a prime example of how we have feed the spectacle. We no longer find
basic functional necessities of use, but rather we chase after what is deemed
as the “Swiss army knife”. Being apart of the spectacle, also means that everything is to be replaced every few months or years. Nothing is built to be durable or long lasting. Thus, creating a greater market for companies to sell you products to make the product you've spent hundreds on slightly more durable, and due to all these markets the spectacle is replenished and continues on.
conclusion, what Debord is getting at when he’s talking about the spectacle is
society’s desire for more and new. To feed into the capitalism and commercialism
and have let others decide on what we need. What we need is a basic one function
phone like Jenkins wanted, but we are told commercial after commercial that we
need the latest Samsung of iPhone that make you life easier and make all your
problems go away. The end result is that consumer is given what
they want, but it doesn’t last and it’s filled will detrimental flaws. In order to fix those flaws the consumer must buy the latest product that will have other flaws and so the cycle of spectacle will go on .
Debord, Guy. The Society of the Spectacle. Chapter 2: The
Commodity as Spectacle.
Henry. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New
York: New York UP, 2006. 5. Print.
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