project is a criticism of the lack of representation of Latinos in the cinema.
This video project tries to expose the most relevant problems. These problems
range from the sexualization of the Latino man and woman, racism, lack of
diversity, and decrease over the years of Latinos obtaining important roles.
All of these problems, together, make one very big which is the Latin
identity being distorted in the eyes of others. This was project created with
the intention that Latinos are given more opportunities to exposed their
diversity and culture. #LatinoInCine aims to inform people that Latinos are
more than just simple stereotypes.
Website: *All data came from these sources
Work Cited*
Alvarez, Alex. "10 Extremely Problematic Realities About Latinos In Hollywood (And Some Hope)."
BuzzFeed. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.
"Latinos and Cinema." Latinos and Hollywood Film - Latinos and Cinema - Actor, Born. FILM
REFRENCE, n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.
Negrón-Muntaner, Frances. "The Latino Media Gap: A Report on the State of Latinos in US Media."
Columbia University 19 (2014).
Smith, Stacy L., Marc Choueiti, and Katherine Pieper. "Race/Ethnicity in 600 popular films: Examining on
screen portrayals and behind the camera diversity." Media, Diversity, & Social Change Initiative (2014).
Actors’ interview from YT:
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