There are millions of events
happening all over the world but there would never be enough writers to
document the events. Furthermore even if it was documented, it would often be
difficult to keep safe for future references. Luckily nowadays, almost any event
in the world can be documented, recorded, stored and referred to later. More importantly, it can publish by anyone in the world near a computer and soon their story will forever stay on the internet. This is exactly what Clay Shirky define as "mass amateurization" in his writings called "Everyone is a Media Outlet" and "Publish and Then Filter". Due to this, many platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Snapchat etc. have provided people countless ways to provide media. It does not matter whether if it was a video of someone playing a prank or an editor for the New York Times, these people were providing media. Nowadays, one of the most popular forms of media is through video due to countless phones taking or streaming video live. As such I am no stranger when it came to video making. I learned to film, edit and post videos from my high school. Due to this I was able to film my dance team and cohesively edit together a video showcasing our style which helps with exposure
Through vlogs (a popular form of amateurism), Roman Atwood is well known for his videos about his daily life |
For example, take a look at one of the most known YouTube Vlogger Roman Atwood. In his early beginnings he used to work for a textile company but now he makes daily vlogs about anything and almost everything within his daily life. Then somehow people loved watching him and his family, seeing the adventures they go on and how they can be interactive with their audience. Although watching his adventures with his family can become amusing at times, but it is not newsworthy to people. Shirky describes it perfectly stating that "anyone in the developed world can publish anything anytime, and the instant it is published, it is globally available and readily findable. If anyone can be a publisher, then anyone can be a journalist" (Shirky 71). However Shirky often feels intimidated by the amount of media being present today. He relates about how back then journalists was tough profession to be in, and should anyone become one it was privilege. Shirky stated that "journalistic privilege is based on the previous scarcity of that scarcity is gone" (Shirky 73). Shirky shows that new technology like cameras, phones, and computers can allow people to publish whatever they want and the whole world can learn about it. As a result Shirky fears that "traditional media relied on this external filtering and editorial judgement to ensure that media adhered to a minimum standard of quality" (Shirky
97). Nowadays there is so much news, blogs and "journalists" that it becomes difficult to find anything really newsworthy. Even so it may take hours on end to weed through the news about celebrities, sports, entertainment etc to find the news that might matter most. However Shirky does noted that such technology should be considered a hindrance but in actuality a vital tool. Shirky explains that "new technology makes new things possible: put another way, when new technology appears, previously impossible things start occurring" (Shirky 107). He recognizes that technology allows humans to explore new territories and show people a different view on a particular subject.
The Power of Fan Fiction |
For example, Henry Jenkins describes the art of fan fiction ins his work "Why Heather can Write" Some people go beyond written works and explore concepts that no one would even think about. People creating fan fictions can merge two completely different worlds entirely as Jenkins stated about the Harry Potter series. He explains that "the image of the special child being raised in a mudane family and discovering their identities (as witch or wizard) ... yet here there are often references to divorce or cancer, real-world difficulties so many kids (Jenkins 181). The power of the written word can be seen as bringing forth a message even though their may be an overabundance of it. People love creating new fan fiction about the impossible and then through the characters struggles, we often find ourselves relating to it. One example can be "Super Mario Bros Z" in which it merges not one but three known worlds such as Mario Bros, Sonic the Hedgehog and Dragon Ball Z. All of theses worlds showcased a hero facing adversity and struggling to work together. This shows that media may adhere the professionalism of publishers, and journalists but in the end it helps to open our eyes to the possibilities.
Works Cited
Jenkins, Henry. "Why Heather Can Write." Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media
Collide. New York: New York UP, 2006. 173. Print.
Shirky, Clay. Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing without Organizations. New York: Penguin, 2008. Print.
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