Thursday, October 6, 2016

Draft Proposal: Justin Molesky

Wine has been around for hundreds of years. The way we consume it and quality levels probably haven't changed much, but the price we've paid has become much more. Wine is farming, so why do prices vary from $5 to over $1000? Can people really distinguish a $20 bottle of cabernet vs. a $100 bottle in a blind tasting? Wine drinking is often very pretentious and often scares young adults aged 21-25 away from the topic. My semester project will explore why young people don't drink as much wine as beer/sprits and why people pay thousands for bottle when they could pay much less. The main reason I believe young people don't drink wine is because they feel scared or overwhelmed by all the information there is to know about wine, but it turns out to much easier than thought. Also, just like most things in today's world, media plays a role into influencing what wine to drink. Prices inflate just like any other product or good. Supply and demand. My goal with this project is to show younger people the truth about wine drinking and everything around it and to hopefully change their way of thinking.

1 comment:

  1. I would say to conduct interviews with people in the age range you specified and with older people that tend to drink wine. Also have statistics and facts ready, as well as how this topic has been characterized in the media and how it parallels into society.
