Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Two Roads Diverged, So I Paved My Own.

      I always felt like I didn't belong in my science classes because I was the outcast. I am a journalism major. I am not "one of them."

This is where things get really complicated. 

       I often felt like I did not belong to sit between the other journalism students because med school was my ultimate goal. 

I was stuck.
...Or so I thought I was until I became familiar with Doctors Without Borders (among other things), a non-profit organization dedicated to giving medical aid to people in war-torn and developing countries regardless of their age, gender, race, and religious beliefs. The organization was started by doctors and journalists. Seeing those two words in the same sentence, not juxtaposed, separated by ideals or something as little as a semi colon or a period, made me really happy. I finally found a place where I belonged. Journalists paved the way for the doctors, and the doctors go into the countries and save as many people as they can.

       By the time my final project presentation approaches I want to have a blog set up and fully running. I am not vocal about my passions and even frustrations about the mental pain I've been put through by people who can't see the bigger picture. I want to raise my voice, so other people can do the same. We can be "different." My target audience is mainly students (male and female) who want to take an unconventional rout to their chosen career paths.

       I am also going to bring my faith into my blog. I will not avoid the fact that I am a Muslim woman, and a hijabi at that. That alone will increase my audience scope. I am also an Arab American, a group of people that I think don't have as many support groups in this country as they should. I can appeal to many people, but ultimately, I want to encourage anyone to do whatever they want.

       Two roads diverged. I could not choose. I spent years trying to choose which one to take, until I finally realized that I can pave my own. It is going to take a lot of time, and mental and physical labor, but it will be worth it because that road will not only take me to my destination, but more importantly, it will also be there for those like me who may have not found the strength to do the same, or or do not know it to be remotely possible.

       I want to create a video that will be my presentation, which will also be my first entry post to my blog. The hardest part may be coming up with a name for myself, but once again, I just want to create a safe space where people can talk about their "actual dreams."


  1. I think you chose an inspiring topic that can relate to many college students who may be questioning the idea of venturing into more than one field. It's great you're doing what makes you happy rather than placing yourself into one specific category. Here's an interesting article with many relatable ideas:

  2. I like your idea so much. It is really interesting and inspiring to see that you are doing both things that you love, I don't think too many people are brave enough to take that road. I think this will help a lot of people who are stuck, like you were once, to see that they can do it all if they really want it. I also like the fact that your faith will be a part of this especially with all the hate that is being spread in the country. It will be interesting to see this actually become a safe space in more than one way, and even more because they are not very common. Honestly, I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  3. Awesome idea. Definitely keep adding to this blog so that we can read your posts even after the end of the class! It's always interesting to read other perspectives.
