Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Midterm Pitch

“If you want a world that respects women,
stop slut shaming them.”
-Nico Lang, Thought Catalog article 2013

When Kim Kardashian posts a nude photo, the world explodes and the internet metaphorically breaks. Twitter and Instagram explodes with opinions, mostly negative, and mostly shaming her for being a mother of two who chooses to post photos of her naked body. When Justin Bieber does the same, other than the admiration, it is hardly discussed. Undeniably, shaming women for their sexual actions can be considered one of the world’s most popular pastimes for as long as earth has existed. Slut-shaming lives widely on social media websites. It loudly makes its presence known and has now taken on a life of its own that has proven to be deadly time and time again. My project will be a written piece, a Tumblr page solely dedicated to the education of internet slut shaming and how it’s effect are much more long lasting than regular day to day shaming. I believe this topic is important as it is a clear view of how desensitized our society and generation has become. It is one thing to pass around a nude photo of a woman through text messages, it’s an entirely different kind of horror to pass around the same photo on the internet.


  1. Cool ideas, I think this issue is systemic, we have been socialized to believe that women are less than men. I find it even more interesting that some women also participate in "slut shaming". I think you should use some of your tumblr page to explore why, and where many of these deeply rooted beliefs come from.

  2. I think your topic is very important especially since this has become a very big topic over the years. I've always felt so bad when someone's nude, that was supposed to be private, get leaked. In high school, there was a time when people were creating Instagram pages to post nudes of girls. It was so sad to see this happening and it was not taken seriously. Some people thought it was entertaining and they did not see how much these girls were affected by it and they were blamed for it. The male, or the person who leaked and or received the pictures were never being blamed for what was happening. The only ones that were blamed were the girls and they were then branded as "sluts." I feel like a lot of it had to do with the fact that a lot of people don't think or are taught that women are equal to men and that they can also be sexual. And because of this when a woman decides to show her sexuality, the initial thought is to insult and criticize her.
    I watched Monica Lewinsky's TED talk were she spoke about her own experience on slut shaming and how it affected her. It does touch a lot on the dangers of the internet and how this also played a big role in how big her story and slut shaming was. I think this will help with your project since this was huge story and Lewinsky didn't speak too much about this topic.

  3. I really love this topic. Not only is it important in this day and age, you're establishing something that I hope will be a big project in the future. I suggest that you watch that Netflix documentary, "Audrie and Daisy", where these girls are slut-shamed in school when they were the ones who were sexually assaulted.

  4. The Amber Rose Slut Walk is a great event to study in regards to the slut shaming culture. The SlutWalk just had its second annual event in October and its interesting because this event embraces the term "slut" and shifts the definition to help empower women. Of course, its extremely problematic from different standpoints but could provide a lot of useful information for your project. Below are a few links to articles about the SlutWalk
