Friday, September 9, 2016

Rhesa Mae Bernal // Introduction

Hi guys! My name is Rhesa Mae Bernal and I'm in the journalism program and I'm hoping that this is my last year. I recently interned in New York City for the summer, and that experience has opened my eyes to a lot of interesting topics in journalism and media. I've never realized how small my world really was until the past summer, and I've decided that life is too short to just graduate and hope to have a quick job wherever. I've realized that I want my professional and academic goal to aspire to be a public figure that can help bring lights to topics of diversity and feminism within journalism and the media. I was inspired to take a stand after following that story of the Stanford student who was raped by Brock Turner, the swimmer who recently just got out of a six-month sentence. And, media played a powerful thing when the victim released a letter that went viral and the letter had touched me as well. Media has always been a big thing growing up, because as media grew, so did I.

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